1 Killed After Crashing Into Parked Car

When many drivers hit a parked car, they are often traveling at low speeds, so if there are any injuries, they are usually minor. Unfortunately, this was not the case in North Houston, where a driver was recently killed after colliding with a parked car.
The fatal accident occurred on the morning of September 11 on East Witcher Lane. A Honda Civic was heading eastbound on east Witcher Lane when the driver lost control and hit a parked vehicle. The impact caused the parked car to go into a nearby ditch.
The driver of the Honda was killed in the accident. The driver allegedly wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. It is believed that speed was a factor in the crash, as the driver was going 15 miles per hour over the speed limit.
The Role of Speed in Fatal Car Accidents
What can turn a minor accident into a fatal one? Speed. When drivers hit parked cars, they don’t usually die from their injuries. The injuries are typically minor.
However, the faster a person is driving, the more likely they are to suffer more severe injuries in the event of an accident. All it takes is a 10-mile-per-hour increase. It doesn’t matter if the accident involves a pedestrian, motorcycle, or other vehicle.
At slow speeds, the risk of serious injury is around 1%. At 50 miles per hour, the risk increases to 52%. At 70 miles per hour, the chance of surviving is highly unlikely.
Speeding may seem fun to many drivers, but it’s highly unsafe. It contributes to approximately one-third of fatal traffic accidents. The faster a person goes, the harder it is to avoid objects in the road and go around curves. It also takes longer to stop when a person is driving at higher speeds, making an accident more likely to occur.
When drivers speed, they often feel as if they are the only ones who are affected by it. This is not true. Everyone on the road is impacted by a speeding driver. They may feel pressured to drive faster or pull over. The speeding driver may even crash into them or another vehicle on the road, causing significant damage and injuries.
If you are driving near a speeding driver, try to stay away from them. Give them more room in case they lose control and cause an accident. If the driver is behind you, move to another lane or pull over and get out of their way.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
A car accident can be fatal even if one vehicle is parked and not in motion at the time of the crash. As long as one motorist is driving fast enough, they can create a strong enough impact to cause fatal injuries.
The Houston auto accident attorneys at The West Law Office, PLLC can help you with your car accident case. Count on our experienced team to help you get the compensation you deserve. Fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247 to schedule a free consultation.