1 Killed In Texas Street Racing Accident

Street racing is often seen as a fun and cool way to pass the time, but the consequences are often serious—even deadly. A recent street race in Katy led to a car accident, killing one of the drivers.
The fatal crash occurred on the evening of June 23 on Clay Road, near Grand Parkway. Two drivers were racing—one a Chevy Camaro, the other a Ford Mustang. The drivers, both 20 years old, were traveling eastbound on Clay Road. A tanker truck was turning into a gas station when the Camaro collided with the truck. It ended up underneath the trailer.
The driver of the Camaro was trapped. He suffered fatal injuries and died at the accident scene.
The driver of the Mustang did not hit the tanker truck. Instead, he hit a concrete median. He passed the scene and made a U-turn at State Highway 99. He then returned to the accident scene. He admitted to racing the driver of the Camaro, who was his close friend. The man was arrested and now faces charges of racing involving death.
Dangers of Street Racing
Street racing is a serious issue that often leads to injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. Those who engage in street racing tend to be young men between 18 and 24 years old.
Street racing may be organized and have many spectators. It can also be unorganized, involving impromptu, one-time races between drivers who may or may not know each other.
Many people enjoy street racing because of the following:
- It provides activity for people who are too young for bars or other adult-only activities
- It allows young people to socialize with friends.
- It allows owners to show off their vehicle and driving ability.
- It’s fun to watch.
However, street racing is not an innocent activity. It often leads to other types of crime, including:
- Assault
- Drunk driving
- Gang activity
- Gambling
- Noise complaints
- Theft
- Trespassing
- Littering
- Vandalism
Street racing is more likely to occur in rural areas, on remote roads, but they can occur even on freeways and other busy areas with significant traffic. The presence of car clubs in an area makes street racing more likely to occur.
Injuries and deaths caused by street racing are not tracked by the insurance industry or government. Therefore, it is difficult to gauge just how dangerous street racing is. However, an estimate shows that approximately 50 people die each year from street racing. The victims may include drivers, passengers, and spectators.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Street racing and speeding in general are illegal and unsafe actions. As seen in this case, such an accident can lead to death. It can also lead to criminal charges.
Seek legal help if you or a loved one was involved in any type of car accident. The Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can give you the advice you need and help you get a fair outcome. Get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247.