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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Car Accidents Due to Poor Road Conditions

By The West Law Office |

Car crashes happen every day in Texas. These accidents can have many causes. What some drivers may not know is that road conditions can be a factor. Roadways that are improperly maintained or poorly designed or constructed can cause serious car accidents. When this happens, who is to blame? Federal, state, and local governments… Read More »

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How Glare From the Sun Causes Car Accidents

By The West Law Office |

We are well into summer. In Texas, temperatures are exceeding 90 degrees in some places. School is out and people are vacationing, enjoying themselves in the hot sun. Driving in the fall, winter, and spring can be challenging for many reasons. There may be ice on the road. Wind and fog can reduce visibility…. Read More »

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Keeping Your Dog Safe in Your Car

By The West Law Office |

With summer here, dog owners know that they need to refrain from keeping their dogs in the car too long. The hot Texas heat can easily cause a dog inside a car to overheat. But there’s another car safety issue you need to keep in mind: restraining your dog. Many people put their dogs… Read More »

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Amputation in a Car Accident

By The West Law Office |

When it comes to car accidents, no two are alike. Some are minor, resulting in no injuries, while others are severe and even fatal. One of the most severe injuries a person can suffer is an amputation. An amputation refers to the removal of a limb. When people think of an amputation, they often… Read More »

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What to Do When Your Vehicle is Stolen

By The West Law Office |

Car theft has become common, especially in Texas. Texas is second only to California in regards to the number of auto thefts. Car theft is not limited to just stealing a motor vehicle. It may also include break ins, vandalism, stolen parts, and stolen personal items from inside the vehicle. Stealing a vehicle is… Read More »

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What to Know About Tire Safety

By The West Law Office |

When it comes to vehicles, there’s a lot to worry about. We depend on our cars and trucks to get us from place to place safely, but you have to understand that there are thousands of parts that comprise a motor vehicle. All of these parts must work in tandem. One error can cause… Read More »

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Does Your Vehicle Matter in a Crash?

By The West Law Office |

You may be eyeing that fancy sports car or considering a motorcycle. Yes, these vehicles offer high performance, but there’s something else you need to consider before purchase: safety. You might like smaller cars, but in a crash, the bigger vehicle will prevail. While force and speed play a role in car accidents, vehicle… Read More »

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