Monthly Archives: December 2024

High Winds and Car Accidents
Texas is known for its thunderstorms, which often come with high winds. When driving, most people don’t worry about high winds as much as they do when it comes to rain, ice, and snow. However, high winds cause a lot of car accidents. High winds are defined as sustained winds of at least 40… Read More »

Dangers of Driving in the Rain
It’s easy to drive in beautiful weather. Once it starts raining, though, driving can become very difficult. Even light rains can cause a vehicle to lose control or hydroplane. It is estimated that 20% of car accidents are caused by poor weather conditions, including rain. Driving in the rain is risky but there are… Read More »

Texas Roads Deteriorating; How This Affects Drivers
There are so many open roads in the United States. Millions of motorists drive these 4.2 million miles of roads every day. However, many of these roads need repairs. In fact, there is a huge backlog of $786 billion in needed repairs. Poor road conditions affect drivers significantly. American motorists spend $130 billion on… Read More »

How Personality and Mental Disorders Affect Driving Behavior
When it comes to car accidents, they can be caused by a variety of factors. Human factors are the main cause of crashes. This includes all sorts of human behavior. Human factors play a major role in causing accidents everywhere. Driving is a complex activity and includes cognitive, visual, and bodily processes. The behavior… Read More »

Staying Focused While Behind the Wheel
When behind the wheel, people need to focus on driving and getting to their destination safely. However, people like to multitask and this has led to distracted driving. However, distracted driving is dangerous and even deadly. A 2023 report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that in 2021, motor vehicle accidents involving… Read More »

Planning Road Trips Safely
Tis the season for not only holidays but also road trips. Many of us have family members who live hours away or possibly in other states. Millions of Americans pack up the car and brave the icy roads and crowds to celebrate with loved ones. Road trips can be fun for those who have… Read More »

Importance of a Police Report After an Accident
Texas Transportation Code §550.062 requires any law enforcement officer who investigates a car accident that results in injury, death, or at least $1,000 in property damage to submit a written report of that crash to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) by the 10th day after the date of the crash. Police reports are… Read More »

Neck Injuries After a Car Accident
After a car accident, you could be suffering from a variety of injuries. Some of the most debilitating ones involve the neck. The pain may start immediately or it may take days or weeks to come about. When you think of neck injuries, the most common one is whiplash. However, there are other types… Read More »

Most People Concerned About Self-Driving Vehicles
We are almost in 2025, and technology has changed drastically in the past decade. Artificial intelligence, Amazon Echo, augmented reality, and 3D printing are just some of the innovations that have changed our worlds. Many people enjoy using these technologies, but one that has created a lot of concern is autonomous vehicles. Self-driving cars,… Read More »

When a Car Crash is Not Your Fault
Car accidents can happen at any time. Sometimes they’re your fault, sometimes they’re not. Fault in car accidents refers to who caused the crash. A driver may be considered at fault if they violate traffic laws, such as speeding, running a red light, or driving distracted. Texas is an at-fault state for auto insurance,… Read More »