Amputation in a Car Accident

When it comes to car accidents, no two are alike. Some are minor, resulting in no injuries, while others are severe and even fatal.
One of the most severe injuries a person can suffer is an amputation. An amputation refers to the removal of a limb. When people think of an amputation, they often imagine an arm or leg being removed, but there are actually many types of amputation. A foot, hand, finger, or toe may also need to be removed.
Most amputations occur due to a chronic disease causing blood flow conditions. Diabetes and cancer are common culprits. Injuries from car accidents are the leading cause of what are called traumatic amputations. Those over the age of 85 are most likely to experience a traumatic amputation.
Certain types of car accidents can make amputations more likely. Catastrophic crushing injuries are common causes. A head-on collision could affect your legs. A T-bone collision may pose risks to an arm facing the side where the crash took place. Rollover crashes and underride truck accidents can also be catastrophic, resulting in limb loss.
The main factor is blood flow. The accident could damage your blood vessels enough that it restricts circulation to your limbs. This causes tissue to become infected and die.
Living With an Amputation
An amputation saves a life. It is sometimes possible to reattach the severed body part, but this is not common.
It can be devastating to lose an arm or a leg, both physically and emotionally. Living with an amputation comes with some challenges. Amputation removes a portion of the body that was naturally present, so your body may develop issues beyond the missing body part. For example, you may experience changes in your center of gravity and balance. The remaining limb often has to increase its workload, so arthritis and other conditions are possible. If you lost a lower limb, you may suffer from back pain due to changes in the body’s positioning.
A person with an amputated limb can still live a normal life with prosthetics as well as making changes to daily routines. There will no doubt be challenges but it is not impossible. More than 500 people lose a limb on a daily basis, so you are not alone.
It will take a lot of work to deal with the daily challenges. It’s important to work with your doctor and physical therapist to minimize these effects. Also, the road to recovery will be expensive, so it’s important to seek compensation if someone caused the accident that led to your amputation.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Amputations can be caused by diseases and accidents. Severe car crashes can cause them, although the good news is that they are not the most common type of injury.
No matter your injuries, a Houston car accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC can help you get full and fair compensation. Schedule a consultation today by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.