Bad Driving Habits to Avoid

Many of us witness bad driving on a daily basis. Actions such as failing to use turn signals, speeding, running red lights and distracted driving are all things that can lead to serious accidents. In fact, you may be guilty of bad driving from time to time.
You may feel more relaxed on certain roads and therefore forego some basic driving requirements, such as rolling through stop signs and going 20 miles per hour above the speed limit. However, these habits are dangerous and can cause you to get a traffic citation or even cause a collision. Here are some habits to avoid when you’re driving on the roadways.
Speeding is one of the main causes of car accidents. While it may be fun to go fast, it’s not safe. A speeding car is more likely to go out of control, hitting a guardrail, tree, pole or other vehicle. Be safe by sticking to the speed limit.
Failing to Signal
This is a common one on freeways and rural roads. Many drivers feel free to switch lanes and make turns without notifying other drivers. This is not only annoying to other drivers but it can also lead to a crash. If you don’t let others know your intentions, you could cause a dangerous situation. So make sure to use your turn signal 100 feet in advance.
Not Stopping at Stop Signs/Red Lights
Traffic signals are in place for a reason. They help control the flow of traffic. Never go through a red light or stop sign, even if you see no vehicles. This is not only unsafe but illegal and you could be forced to pay a hefty fine.
It’s always frustrating when nosy drivers slow down to gawk at an accident or other situation on the side of the road. This is dangerous, as it causes traffic to slow down, which can lead to serious rear-end crashes. Many of these accidents end up being chain reactions, involving dozens of vehicles. Keep your eyes in front of you.
Fast Starts/Sudden Stops
Both of these actions put wear and tear on your vehicle. Try to slow down/accelerate gradually. A sudden stop can also cause someone to rear-end you if they’re not expecting it.
Not Wearing a Seatbelt
Seatbelts have been proven to save lives. Plus, it’s illegal to not wear one, so that’s a main reason why you should put it on every time you’re in a vehicle. A seatbelt can keep you from getting ejected in a crash, so no matter how short your drive is, be sure to wear one.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
How you drive can make you more likely to be involved in an accident. By avoiding certain habits, you can make your drives safer.
If you are involved in a car accident, get legal help right away. The Houston auto accident lawyers at The West Law Office, PLLC can assess your case and determine liability. Schedule a free consultation. Call 281-347-3247 or fill out the online form.