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E-Cigarette Company Juul Hit with Wrongful Death Lawsuit


We’ve discussed just how dangerous vaping-related lung diseases are, and how the first vaping-related lung disease death occurred here in Texas in October. Pursuant to the negligence with which these products were produced and placed onto the market, the main producer of vaping products, Juul, was hit with a wrongful death lawsuit in late October after an 18-year-old user died in his sleep due to breathing complications after years of using their products. According to the complaint, the victim was a healthy teenager whose life tragically ended due to injuries directly caused by his addiction to Juul’s products.

There is no question that the case will open the door for those who have been injured by e-cigarettes and vaping companies to bring a number of personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to date, close to 1,500 people have been diagnosed with “EVALI,” the name that has been assigned to the lung-related injury associated with using e-cigarettes and vaping products, which can lead to coughing, vomiting, fever, and shortness of breath.

Company Accused of Fraudulent Marketing & Causing Spike in E-Cigarettes in Teens

The complaint not only alleges that Juul was negligent in placing a product out on the market that has injured and killed many, but that it engaged in fraudulent marketing, purposely targeting young people by promising a “healthier alternative” to cigarettes. With the victim in question, the products were advertised to him via billboards, direct marketing to his email, and social media. The company is also accused of purposely marketing products with “fun” flavors that were geared to appeal to very young users, causing a spike in the overall use of nicotine, which can cause permanent damage to a minor’s brains, throat, and lungs, resulting in catastrophic, life-altering injuries. Teens like the victim were informed by the company that the products were safe and did not contain the same dangers that cigarettes did, including their addictive properties. As a result, the victim was hospitalized due to breathing and lung complications, and suffered from such a terrible addiction that he had to be treated for it there. While this is the first wrongful death lawsuit brought against the company, it isn’t the first case to highlight some of the questionable activities the company has been engaged in, including purposely targeting teens as part of the “youth nicotine epidemic” and being solely responsible for the spoke in e-cigarette use amongst them.

Contact Our Texas Injury & Wrongful Death Attorneys If You or A Loved One Has Been Harmed

No parent should have to face the death of their child. Fortunately, the public is becoming more and more aware of the serious hazards involved in these products. If you or a loved one has been injured by a party’s negligence, contact our Houston wrongful death attorneys at The West Law Office today to find out how we can help.





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