Importance of Medical Care After a Car Accident

You have just been involved in a rear-end accident. Your car sustained some damage, but you feel fine. You’re a busy person, so there’s no need to head to the doctor, right?
Wrong! Medical care should be one of your main priorities after a car crash. Even if the crash was minor and you feel fine, you may be hurting later on. In fact, many serious conditions do not present themselves for days after the accident. Headaches, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, back pain, abdominal swelling, numbness and changes in personality are common injuries after a crash.
This can be troublesome, because if you wait too long to see the doctor, your insurance company will claim that you weren’t really hurt. They may then try to deny your claim. Therefore, if you are involved in a car accident and want to preserve your legal rights, seek medical care as soon as possible—preferably that same day or by the next day. Don’t wait weeks or months in hopes that the injuries will go away on their own—this will negatively impact your claim.
Keep Treating
When it comes to treatment and healing, your doctor knows best. Therefore, you should follow his or her instructions. If they tell you to take a certain medication, be sure to take it as directed and keep taking it until they tell you to quit. The same goes for physical therapy and any other treatment.
Even if you feel better, you should continue treatment until your doctor tells you otherwise. Your doctor wants you to heal as quickly possible, but if you quit treatment too soon, it can actually delay your treatment. This is because if you don’t fully heal, your infection could come back or your broken bone may not properly set. Also, if you stop treatment too soon, your insurance company could argue that your injuries were minor when they really weren’t.
Review Medical Records
Another important step is to make sure your doctor has the facts straight when it comes to your treatment records. Did he or she accurately describe the events surrounding your accident? Are all your injuries detailed in the notes? Your medical history, such as previous illnesses, injuries and surgeries, should also be correct.
It’s important that there are no errors, since this can impact your case. Your insurance company will receive these records and if there are any discrepancies, you could be accused of lying or having a pre-existing condition. This will make it hard to receive compensation.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, prompt medical care is important. Getting treatment for your injuries will help prove your case and ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve.
After a car crash, make sure you take the proper steps. The Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can guide you through the process and help you make the right decisions. Contact our office today by calling 281-347-3247 or filling out the online form.