Important Information to Get Before Leaving the Scene of an Accident

You’re driving down the road when you’re hit by another vehicle. If you’ve never been involved in a car accident before, you may wonder what happens next. What do you do? What do you need to do to file a claim?
First of all, you should never leave an accident scene. You always need to stop, no matter how minor the crash may seem. Then you need to assess the injuries and damage, if you can do so safely. You also need to ensure you get all the information you need from the other party.
But exactly what information do you need? You will need the contact information and insurance information of the other party involved. This includes their name, address and phone number. You should also get their driver’s license number and license plate of the vehicle involved. You will also need details about their auto insurance. You should have, at a minimum, the name of their insurer and policy number.
Getting photos of documents can be helpful so you don’t overlook something or forget anything. It would be ideal if you could snap photos of the other party’s driver’s license, insurance card and vehicle registration card—the same documents you would hand over to a police officer if you are ever pulled over.
But that’s not all. The more information you can get, the better. Get details about where the location occurred, the weather conditions and road conditions. If there were any witnesses, it’s important to get their contact information as well. Their testimony can prove helpful in your case.
Your smartphone is your friend in the event of an accident. Take photos of everything you can, such as injuries and damage to the vehicle. Take photos at various angles and ensure you get the model, type and color of the car, as well as the license plate number. You can also get pictures of the surrounding area, such as the road, stop signs and signals, buildings, landmarks and other identifying structures.
Police should be called to the scene. Get the names and badge numbers of officers who arrive. Make sure to get a police report when it becomes available. This will be helpful for your insurance company, as it will list the facts of the crash and perhaps even determine fault.
Speaking of your insurance company, this is where you should send all the information you receive. Your insurance agent will let you know what information he or she needs to file a claim and help you get the compensation you deserve for your damages.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
After a car accident, the law requires that you gather important information from the other driver. Without it, it can be hard to make a claim and recover compensation.
Need help with your car crash? The Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can ensure you’re taking the proper steps. Don’t overlook anything that can affect your compensation. To contact us, call our office at 281-347-3247 or fill out the online form.