Intoxicated Man Crashes Into Deputy

Many people try to avoid the police while driving. Others run right into them—literally. This was what a Texas man recently did after driving drunk.
The incident happened on the evening of April 5. A 44-year-old man was driving a Nissan Altima when he made a left turn and collided almost head-on with a Harris County deputy on Jones Road. The police vehicle then hit a utility pole.
The man went into cardiac arrest at the accident scene but was revived by paramedics. Both the man and the deputy were taken to a local hospital in critical condition. The deputy was released from the hospital early the next morning. The man later died.
The victim was believed to be under the influence at the time of the accident. The crash is still under investigation.
Effects of Drunk Driving
Drunk driving is a common problem in Texas, with someone getting injured or killed by a drunk driver every 20 minutes. What motorists do not understand is that even the smallest amount of drugs or alcohol can cause a person to experience negative effects, especially as they pertain to driving.
After two alcoholic drinks, a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) may rise to 0.02. At this point, visual functions decline and it becomes harder to multitask. A person may feel relaxed with some loss of judgment.
After three drinks, the BAC rises to 0.05. It becomes harder to focus the eyes and coordination decreases. It’s harder to steer and respond to emergency situations.
After four drinks, the BAC climbs to 0.08, which is now illegal in Texas and all other states. Judgment, self-control, memory, and muscle coordination all become impaired. Driving becomes much harder, as intoxicated motorists have problems with speed control and concentration as well as the ability to process information.
Things become even worse after five drinks. BAC rises to 0.10 and the person no longer has any perception of control and reaction time. Their speech becomes slurred and thinking and coordination slows down. As a driver, this makes it hard to stay in their lane and brake appropriately.
After seven alcoholic drinks, a person’s BAC climbs to 0.15, which is almost twice the legal limit. At this point, a person is substantially impaired. Hearing and vision abilities decrease dramatically. It is much harder to control a vehicle and pay attention to driving. There is less muscle control and a person may even be vomiting at this stage.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Intoxication is a huge problem in Texas. Many drivers feel overconfident in their abilities to operate a motor vehicle after doing drugs or drinking alcohol, but the reality is that they are putting themselves and others at risk, as they are more likely to crash.
At The West Law Office, PLLC, we understand the effects of drunk driving. Our Houston drunk driving accident attorneys can help you seek compensation and justice. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.