McDonald’s Is in Trouble Again for Injuries Caused by Their Playgrounds, But Are They Alone?

According to the latest reports, playground equipment installed at McDonald’s restaurants around the country has led to a number of injuries in children. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the company that makes the equipment – Soft Play – has now called a number of the “Spider Climb” equipment, which was exclusively sold to McDonald’s nationwide because the platforms were designed too far apart, causing some children to fall while trying to move between levels.
This isn’t the first instance of injury issues faced by McDonald’s: Hundreds of children were injured or killed after playing on the equipment at various locations between the 1970s and 1990s, including sustaining concussions, broken bones, and fractures. As a result, the franchise paid $4 million in fees. In addition, a number of lawsuits were filed by the families of the injured, arguing that there was a trail of injuries across the country as a result of McDonald’s negligence.
A History of Negligence
This should come as no surprise, as, with 3,000 playgrounds nationwide as of 1991, McDonald’s had become the nation’s largest playground operator. Insurance records associated with the more than 1,500 claims just brought in association with Playland injuries detailed children breaking bones and teeth on the various equipment. Injury tolls mounted on such rides as the “Tug ‘N Turn,” as playground manufacturers failed to order that the safety device developed be installed on those already in operation. In fact, all of the equipment on McDonald’s premises was reportedly never tested for safety, nor were the playgrounds ever inspected for safety.
Cleanliness & Bacterial Issues
Today, a number of these issues clearly remain, and, in addition to equipment on playgrounds like these often leading to physical injuries, researchers have also found evidence of potentially dangerous pathogens such as Staphylococcus and fecal coliforms. Children have also found needles and other dangerous items on these premises. And, in fact, there are few federal and state regulations regarding standards for these playgrounds.
Other Playgrounds
It isn’t just McDonald’s playgrounds that injure children each year: Others—such as those that feature asphalt—have led to serious injuries such as concussions. And playgrounds made with “rubber mulch”—i.e. shredded rubber from old tires—which are becoming more and more popular in schools, city playgrounds, soccer fields, and daycares—have been linked to cancer scares. Even the Environmental Protection Agency acknowledges that additional studies on “crumb rubber” artificial turf need to be done before listing it as officially safe. Still, tire mulch is actively promoted around the country as being a safe alternative even though there are serious concerns about containing carcinogenic chemicals.
If You’ve Been Injured or Otherwise Harmed at A Texas Playground, Contact Our Personal Injury Attorneys
If you or your loved one has been injured at a playground in Texas, contact our Houston slip and fall attorneys at The West Law Office today to find out how we can help you obtain justice.