Motorcyclist Killed In Houston Crash

Motorcycles can be fun to ride, but they don’t offer a lot of protection in a crash. Even a rear-end crash can cause fatal injuries.
Sadly, this was recently the case in Houston. A man was riding his sports motorcycle in the eastbound lanes of the East Freeway on the morning of August 15. The motorcycle rider was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic when he rear-ended a woman driving a car.
The rider, who was not wearing a helmet, was ejected from the motorcycle. He died at the accident scene. The driver of the car was not injured. The freeway was closed for several hours for investigation.
What to Know About Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle crashes are usually shocking because they are so devastating. A person involved in such an accident usually gets catastrophic or fatal injuries.
Motorcycle accidents are not usually solo-vehicle crashes. They typically involve another vehicle. When solo-vehicle accidents do occur, they are primarily caused by driver error, such as overbraking or speeding. Vehicle failure, road defects, and animals account for the smallest percentages of motorcycle crashes.
The most common type of motorcycle crash is when a motorcycle is going straight and another vehicle makes a left turn in front of the motorcycle. Intersections are also common locations for motorcycle accidents.
The primary cause of these accidents is the failure of the driver of the vehicle to notice the motorcycle. In these cases, the driver did not see the motorcycle before the crash and did not see it until it was too late.
While weather conditions contribute to many motor vehicle crashes, this is not the case for motorcycles. In fact, only 2% of crashes are caused by poor weather.
Ironically, longer motorcycle rides do not equate to a higher risk of a crash. Most crashes happen during short rides, such as running errands or going to see friends.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Motorcycle accidents can be more dangerous than those involving solely passenger vehicles. That’s because motorcycles have no protection in the event of a crash.
Have you been involved in a motorcycle crash? If so, the Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can help. We can assess liability and help you get the compensation you deserve. Fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247 for a free consultation.