Pedestrian Laws In Texas

Whether you are a pedestrian or a motorist, you may be confused about pedestrian laws in Texas. For example, there is a saying that the pedestrian always has the right of way, but is this true? What are your responsibilities as a motorist? What are things that pedestrians are and are not allowed to do? Make sure you understand the laws so you can avoid pedestrian accidents.
What the Law Says
Under Texas Transportation Code Sec. 552.001, a pedestrian with a green signal may cross a marked or unmarked crosswalk unless the green signal is a turn arrow. If there is a steady yellow or red signal, then the pedestrian should not enter the roadway. Likewise, a pedestrian facing a “Walk” signal may cross the road in the direction of the signal, and any motorists should yield to the pedestrian. A pedestrian may not cross the road if they have a “Don’t Walk” or a “Wait” signal. Even if there are no vehicles coming, they must wait for their signal to cross. However, a pedestrian who has partially crossed the road and is now facing a “Don’t Walk” or “Wait” signal has the right-of-way until they reach the other side of the road.
Ideally, a pedestrian should only cross a road in a marked crosswalk. A pedestrian should yield the right-of-way to a vehicle if crossing the road at a place other than in a crosswalk at an intersection or where there is a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing. A pedestrian should never assume that a driver sees them, so they should never dart out in front of a vehicle.
Other Things to Know
Pedestrians must use sidewalks when available and should not walk on the road. While there are situations in which pedestrians must legally yield to cars, drivers should keep in mind that many pedestrians are not aware of these laws. Therefore, motorists should drive slowly when around pedestrians and err on the side of caution.
Drivers are required to yield to pedestrians when entering a road from a driveway or private building. They must also stop when the pedestrian is approaching the car from the other side of the road, whether or not there is a marked crosswalk. Drivers should also be extra careful in parking lots and other places where there are large numbers of pedestrians. The pedestrians have the right of way in these instances.
Overall, cars and pedestrians must share the road. As a driver, it’s often best to automatically give the pedestrian the right-of-way to avoid confusion as well as serious accidents.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
There can be confusion when a pedestrian is crossing a road at a place other than a crosswalk. This can lead to accidents and serious injuries.
If you were injured in a pedestrian crash, the Houston pedestrian accident attorneys at The West Law Office, PLLC can help you with your case. We can determine liability and help you obtain compensation. Schedule a free consultation by calling 281-347-3247 or filling out the online form.