Safety Enhancements Planned for Highway 361 After Fatal Crash

On August 9, a fatal car accident occurred on State Highway 361 in Port Aransas. Multiple vehicles were involved in the crash, causing one fatality and several injuries.
The driver, a 35-year-old man, was heading south on Highway 361 when he swerved into oncoming traffic in the northbound lane. He hit a vehicle head on, causing it to exit the roadway and flip over. The man’s vehicle then hit a third vehicle.The man died at the accident scene.
The accident was the second fatal one on Highway 361 this summer alone. Unfortunately, Highway 361 is notorious for fatal car accidents. Those who live and work in Port Aransas are begging for improvements to the safety of the highway.
Some people suggest widening the lanes or at least put a cinder block in the middle to make it a four-lane highway. Others suggest adding more lanes, at least four lanes in and out. In any case, something needs to be done. There has been a lot of residential construction in the areas, so traffic is only going to get worse.
The Texas Department of Transportation recently gave an update on plans for safety improvements to State Highway 361. First of all, while the agency does implement roadway safety enhancements, they encourage drivers to make good decisions behind the wheel. This includes obeying the speed limit, avoiding distractions, and not driving while intoxicated.
The Texas Department of Transportation does have a project in development. State Highway 361 will be widened from Access Road 1 in Port Aransas to Park Road 22. There will be two travel lanes in each direction, a raised center median, left turn lanes, and a sidewalk/shared use path. The focus of the project is to improve safety and mobility.
The Texas Department of Transportation made some other improvements on State Highway 361. The agency recently installed safety lighting at the entrance to the Mustang Island State Park and at Beach Access Road 2. They are working with the cities of Corpus Christi and Port Aransas on the installation of additional lighting along the State Highway 361 corridor. The road also features center-line and edge-line rumble strips to alert drivers who may be asleep or distracted.
In addition, the Texas Department of Transportation installed passing lanes in both directions to allow drivers the opportunity to pass slower vehicles without crossing into oncoming traffic. And, a lengthy portion of the road features a dedicated left-turn lane in an effort to reduce rear-end accidents.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
While all motorists need to be careful while driving, some roads are worse than others. When many accidents and deaths occur, states may need to make road enhancements to improve safety.
Car crashes can cause serious injuries and fatalities. Seek legal help from a Houston car accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC. We can calculate losses, examine evidence, determine liability, and fight your case in court, if necessary. Schedule a consultation today by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.