Texas Auto Accident Statistics

Car accidents are an everyday occurrence, and they happen quite a lot in Texas. In fact, Texas ranks #1 for car accident fatalities. In fact, based on crashes reported in 2019, the average is that one person dies every two hours and 25 minutes from car accidents, with one person injured every two minutes and three seconds. There is also a crash reported every 56 seconds.
The good news is that the death toll is actually a decrease from 2018. There were 3,623 fatalities in 2019, compared to 3,656 in 2018. This is despite the fact that the number of miles traveled actually increased in 2019. In 2018, drivers traveled 282.037 billion miles. This increased by more than 2% in 2019, to 288.227 billion miles.
In 2019, most fatal crashes—nearly 52%—occurred in rural areas. These accounted for 1,872 deaths. Single vehicle crashes caused 1,172 deaths, or just over 32% of all car accident deaths in Texas. There were 735 people killed in crashes at intersections, while 597 people were killed in head-on crashes.
People died in car crashes every day in 2019. There were no deathless days on Texas roadways that year. One crash in 2019 resulted in more than six fatalities. Two days were especially deadly: June 5 and December 7. Both days saw 21 people killed in auto accidents. December 2019 was the deadliest month, with 334 fatalities.
Two of the main causes of car accidents in Texas in 2019 were DUI and distracted driving. There were 914 people killed in crashes caused by an intoxicated driver, accounting for 25% of the total number of auto accident fatalities. Most alcohol-related crashes occurred between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. Most happened on Saturdays. There were 378 people killed in distracted driving crashes in Texas, but the good news is that this decreased by 6% from 2018.
What Causes These Car Accidents?
As mentioned above, drunk driving and distracted driving are two main causes of car accidents in Texas. Speeding and unsafe merging are also factors in Texas auto accidents. Aggressive driving is also an issue. Tailgating, merging in and out of lanes, running stop signs and red lights, and going dangerously fast (more than 25 miles per hour over the speed limit) are all actions that cause serious car accidents.
Driver fatigue is another dangerous issue, and it’s especially common among truck drivers. Truck drivers often work long hours to meet deadlines, and driving non-stop for many hours a day can really take a toll on the body and mind. Many drivers get fatigued behind the wheel and some even fall asleep, causing fatal accidents.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Texas is a huge state with many vehicles, especially semi trucks. This makes auto accidents more likely to occur.
It’s important to stay safe on the roadways, but crashes can still happen. When they do, make sure you have the right legal help on your side. The Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can help you with your car accident case. Get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and other damages. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247.