The Many Problems Associated with Drunk Driving in Texas

There are simply too many drivers who are drinking and driving here in Texas; even though the penalties are up to 180 days in jail and $2,000 in fines. This is especially an issue during the months surrounding holidays such as New Year’s eve. In Texas, New Year’s Eve is prime time for drunk driving and, in fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the months surrounding New Year’s eve – including January – also experience elevated numbers of drunk driving accidents. According to some statistics, the national average of traffic fatalities per day increased to between 30 and 50 percent during that time, and almost half of all traffic deaths that occurred due to drunk driving.
Texas Has The Highest Rate Of Fatalities Due To Drunk Driving
This issue can be especially problematic in Texas given that cities are fairly spread out from each other and there are a number of opportunities to fall asleep, become distracted and encounter a number of dark roads on journeys; especially in rural jurisdictions, where there are a number of two-lane roads and therefore a higher risk of head-on collisions. In 2017 alone, almost 1,500 people died in drunk driving accidents in Texas, which was the highest rate in the entire country. Those counties that had the highest number of accidents include Harris, Dallas, and Bexar.
It also isn’t just the roads that become dangerous: drunk drivers will sometimes veer off the roads can get close to elementary school playgrounds, where children play, for example.
A New Threat: Interlock Devices In Cars Of Those Previously Convicted
There are also indirect issues now caused by those who have been involved in drunk driving: According to a new investigation, ignition interlock devices that can sometimes be found in the cars of drivers who have previously been convicted of drunk driving have also now evidently been linked with distracted driving, like cellphones. As a result, there have been a number of device-related accidents. The problem reportedly lies with how, exactly, they are used: A number of drivers who are required to start their vehicles with the device also have to prove that they are sober while they are driving down the road, known as “rolling retests,” which is leading to accidents. And while the use of these devices has grown significantly to hundreds of thousands installed in cars in just the last 10 years, few regulators are looking at this issue.
Contact Our Houston Drunk Driving Injury Attorneys with Any Questions
Injuries and deaths from drunk driving accidents are perhaps the most avoidable tragedy we deal with as personal injury and wrongful death attorneys here in Houston. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a drunk driving accident, contact our Houston drunk driving accident attorneys at The West Law Office today to find out how we can help.