Tips for Cars and Motorcycles to Safely Share the Road

All motorists have a duty to drive safely. This means keeping yourself and others safe — even motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are small and lack the protection that passenger cars and trucks have, so a crash can be deadly.
Thousands of people are killed in motorcycle accidents every year. Many motorcycle crashes involve other vehicles, so it’s a good idea to know how you as a motorist can drive safer and prevent these accidents from occurring. Here are some ways in which you can safely share the road with motorcyclists.
Check Your Blind Spots
This is one of the main causes of motorcycle crashes. Many drivers rely solely on their mirrors, so they don’t see the motorcycle lingering in their blind spot. Motorcycles are small and often difficult to spot, so take a few extra seconds to look over your shoulder and double-check before changing lanes.
Keep Your Distance
Stay several car lengths behind a motorcycle, much like you would do any other vehicle. You don’t want to rear-end a motorcycle, as the result could be fatal.
Follow the Rules at Intersections
Many accidents occur at intersections. Don’t be in a hurry. Always follow standard protocol when stopped at one. If there is a stop sign, come to a complete stop. Yield to other vehicles and cross the intersection when it is safe to do so. Look both ways first and go slow.
Be Extra Cautious in Bad Weather
Don’t like driving in rain and ice? These conditions are even worse for motorcyclists. Motorcycles have just two wheels, so they can easily lose balance in bad weather. Even a windy day could mean disaster for a rider. Be extra careful when driving around motorcycles in bad weather. Fog, wind and rain can cause decreased visibility, which can make driving even more unsafe.
Be Careful at Night
Bad weather isn’t the only concern for motorcyclists. Driving at night is also dangerous. Motorcyclists have a hard time seeing, so do your part by increasing your distance behind them. Turn off your high beams and try not to pass them.
Communicate Your Intention to Turn
Be courteous on the roadway. Many crashes happen when a vehicle attempts to turn, so if you plan to turn soon, turn on your blinkers. This will let the motorcyclist behind you know your intention to turn. This will also give them time to brake and avoid rear-ending you.
Watch for Turning Motorcycles
You want to be careful when a motorcycle turns or you could rear-end them. If they have a turn signal on, keep your distance so they have room. Be patient and don’t try to tailgate.
Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles, making them more prone to serious crashes. It’s important that everyone share the road, if possible.
Motorcycle accidents can cause significant damages. Seek legal help from the Houston motorcycle accident attorneys at The West Law Office, PLLC. We can help you with financial recovery while you focus on your physical and emotional recovery. Call 281-347-3247 or fill out the online form for a free consultation.