Traffic Fatalities On The Rise In Texas

In some areas, car accidents are declining, but that’s not the case in Texas. In the state in 2019, the average daily number of fatalities caused by car crashes was 9.9. In 2020, that number rose to 10.6 per day. That rise was speculated to be caused by drivers speeding on empty roads due to COVID lockdowns, when companies converted to remote work and most people were staying home. However, now in 2021, that number has risen further to an average of 10.7 per day.
Why are the numbers still increasing? It’s believed that drivers are continuing their bad habits from the COVID pandemic last year. Drivers hold the key in reducing crashes, as all the factors are controllable. They need to reduce speed, stop driving while distracted, and wear their seatbelt.
Texas Transportation Commissioner Laura Ryan finds the statistics upsetting. The trend is concerning and she wants to do something to move the numbers in the other direction.
In 2019, Ryan voted to allocate $600 million toward Vision Zero projects, which are efforts to reduce the number of car accident fatalities in Texas to zero by 2050. More than $400 million has been committed to specific projects.
Causes of Car Accidents
Car accidents can be caused by many factors, such as the following:
- Distracted driving. Smartphone use, such as texting, is a major cause of distracted driving. However, distracted driving can be caused by anything else that takes your hands off the wheel and eyes off the road, such as eating, reading, adjusting the radio station, and grooming.
- Going faster may not always get you to your destination quicker. Sometimes there is heavy traffic or road work to deal with, so be patient. You can always prepare by leaving earlier, but don’t risk your life by speeding and causing an accident.
- Driving while intoxicated is never a good idea. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while behind the wheel can impair your judgment and reduce your reaction times, leading to deadly outcomes.
- Weather conditions. It’s easy to drive when the skies are clear and the roads are dry. However, when poor weather rolls in, driving becomes harder. Rain is a major cause of fatal accidents, as the roads become slippery and the vehicles may hydroplane. However, ice and snow can also be culprits, causing loss of control.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Car accidents can be caused by various reasons, such as speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving. It’s important for drivers to slow down and be safe. Otherwise, serious injuries and fatalities can occur.
No matter how safe you are, though, car crashes can still occur. The Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can assess your car accident case and make sure you are fully compensated for your injuries and other damages. Schedule a free consultation with our office today by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.