What to Know About Chain Reaction Crashes

When most car accidents occur, a car hits another car or an object, and that’s it. However, there are situations where that’s not it. Sometimes cars keep crashing into each other, resulting in huge pileups.
These are called chain reaction crashes and they usually involve multiple rear-end accidents. They happen due to the force involved in the first collision. The last vehicle in a line of cars rear-ends the second to last car, which is then pushed into the third to last car, which then rear-ends the first car.
Determining Liability
In many cases, one person (the rear driver) is to blame. However, this will depend on the circumstances of the accident. Sometimes multiple drivers may be considered negligent.
But determining fault can be complicated. The accident scene may need to be reconstructed to determine how the crash happened. It’s a good idea to gather as much evidence as possible to determine who may have been at fault. What did witnesses see? Any photos or notes you take can be used as evidence. What damage did the vehicles sustain?
The case will likely go to court and the jury will consider all the evidence and assign fault to each defendant. Under Texas’ modified comparative negligence law, you can sue for damages even if you are partially at fault for an accident. However, if you are found to be mostly liable, or more than 50% at fault for an accident, you cannot recover any compensation.
Causes of Chain Reaction Crashes
There are many factors that may be involved in a chain reaction crash They include the following:
- Poor weather conditions. More than 20% of car accidents are caused by poor weather conditions. It’s important for drivers to be careful on icy and wet roads. Slow down and avoid braking too quickly. If you speed and cause an accident, you could be held liable.
- Alcohol use. Drunk driving contributes to about 30% of all traffic-related fatalities. That’s because alcohol consumption slows down reflexes. It also affects decision-making, which can make it harder for drivers to see vehicles up ahead and stop in time to avoid hitting them. Drunk drivers are not only liable for property damage, but they can face criminal offenses such as DUI.
- Distracted driving. This is a form of recklessness where a driver operates a vehicle unsafely. Instead of focusing on the road, the driver may turn their attention to texting, reading, eating, changing the radio station, using the navigation system, dealing with pets or children, or having conversations with passengers. More than 3,000 people are killed in distracted driving crashes every year.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Chain reaction crashes involve multiple vehicles, which means extensive damage and catastrophic injuries are more likely to occur.
These crashes can be confusing. Who is at fault? Count on a Houston car accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC to investigate your case. We’ll help ensure that all relevant evidence is immediately identified and documented. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.