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What to Know About Stop Sign Accidents


Stop signs are meant to improve traffic flow and prevent accidents, but sometimes they cause more harm than good. Drivers often don’t know how to behave at stop signs. They may run through them or not understand how the right of way works.

According to statistics, there are roughly 700,000 police-reported motor vehicle accidents at stop signs every year. That’s nearly 2,000 crashes per day. That’s a huge amount, and that’s also a huge problem.

Causes of Stop Sign Accidents

Here are the most common causes of stop sign accidents:

  • Failure to stop completely. Drivers may do rolling stops, in which they slow down but don’t fully stop. Also, drivers unfamiliar with stop sign rules might proceed incorrectly.
  • Disregarding stop signs. Drivers may intentionally run stop signs to save time. Unawareness may also be a factor. Drivers may not see the stop sign due to distraction or unfamiliarity with the area.
  • Distracted driving. Phone usage, such as texting, calling, or using GPS, is a common type of distracted driving. Inattentiveness is another key factor. Many drivers are distracted by conversations, eating, or looking at surroundings instead of the road.
  • Right-of-way confusion. Drivers may be unsure of whose turn it is, leading to hesitation or sudden moves. Conversely, some drivers are more aggressive and force their way through without yielding.
  • Drivers approaching a stop sign too fast may fail to stop in time.
  • Obstructed or poor visibility. Trees, parked cars, or other objects may be blocking the stop sign. Also, a lack of street lights or reflective signage makes stop signs hard to see at night.
  • Driving under the influence. Drivers should not be consuming alcohol prior to driving. Impaired drivers may have slowed reaction times and reduced judgment.
  • Poor weather conditions. Various issues can increase the risk of stop sign accidents. For example, rain, fog, or snow can lead to poor visibility and slippery roads. Sun glare can also be an issue, as drivers may miss the stop sign when blinded by sunlight.

Preventing These Accidents

Crashes are often preventable. You can reduce the risk by using defensive driving measures. This involves anticipating higher risk situations by being prepared to brake or move out of the way quickly.

Potential solutions include:

  • Keep your eyes on the road while driving.
  • If you’re using an app for directions, pull off the road.
  • Be prepared to hit the brakes or steer away from other cars.
  • Watch the other cars approaching a stop sign. Don’t assume the other vehicles will stop.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Intersections have stop signs for a reason. They are meant to control traffic and help prevent accidents, but unfortunately, drivers do not always follow them.

If you have been involved in such a crash, who is at fault? A Houston stop sign accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC can protect your rights and ensure fair compensation. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.



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