Why Are Teen Drivers So Dangerous?

When you think of bad drivers, people often think of teens. Teens get a bad rap when it comes to driving, but is it really warranted?
Yes, according to statistics. Teens ages 16 and 17 years old are involved in the most car accidents. They’re also most likely to get injured. However, driver deaths are the highest for those age 80 and older. So it’s safe to say that driving is most dangerous for those who are very young and very old.
So why is driving so unsafe for teens? Why are they getting into so many car crashes? There are many factors involved. Let’s take a look at some of them.
The main reason why drivers ages 16 and 17 years old are so dangerous is because they are inexperienced. They are newly licensed or maybe have had their license for a year or so. That’s not a lot of time to gain experience on various roadways and in various conditions. Compared to someone who has decades of experience, teens are newbies. They tend to be overconfident in their abilities to drive, but the truth is that they still have a lot to learn.
Distracted Driving
Driving while distracted is another major issue for teens. While teens may be distracted by many things, smartphones are a major one. Many teens are glued to their phones and refuse to put them down even while driving. Texting while behind the wheel, though, is very dangerous. That’s because the driver’s hands are off the wheel, their eyes are off the road, and their mind is focused on their phones. Distracted driving incidents have led to fatal accidents.
Many teenagers like to engage in risky behavior, and this often means testing out their vehicles. Teens are likely to speed and tailgate, which can lead to loss of control and serious accidents.
Alcohol Use
You may not think that drinking and driving would be an issue with teens, who are not legally able to consume alcohol. Surprisingly, though, teens have the highest rate of alcohol-related accidents compared to all other age groups.. In fact, most teens killed in car accidents had been drinking beforehand.
Lack of Seatbelt Use
When teens do get into accidents, they are more likely to get injured because they are less likely to use seatbelts. Seat belts can prevent serious injuries because they keep the user from being ejected or from hitting their heads on windshields and dashboards. The seat belt use rate among teens is only around 80%.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Teen drivers have a lot against them. Their actions and immaturity can cause them to get into serious accidents that can not only injure themselves but other people.
Injured by a car crash caused by a teen driver? If so, the Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can take on your case. Count on our team for aggressive representation. Fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247 to schedule a free consultation.